why we do it
The Black Equity Collective believes in the power of Black possibilities and in a vision rooted in Black permanency. We are repairers of the breach. We know that our vision of healthy, joyous, thriving Black communities cannot happen without investing in the long-term sustainability of Black-led and Black-empowering organizations, who often serve as our community's first responders. Black-led organizations have an average revenue that is 24% less than that of White-led organizations, and their unrestricted net assets are 76% smaller. We know that much of this disparity is driven by inequitable funding practices. That’s why we not only serve BLOs but we also partner with philanthropy to reimagine a sector that centers equity in grantmaking.
The Collective fills this need by focusing,
first, on the three-county region of:

To build an interconnected ecosystem of black-led and black-empowering organizations across issue areas.
Less than
of funding by the nation’s largest foundations is specifically
targeted to the Black community
Calling investment in Black-led social change a “moral imperative,” ABFE leadership recommended at least a 25 percent increase in giving by the nation’s largest foundations over the next five years, with an emphasis on strengthening the infrastructure for Black-led social change.
– The Case for Funding Black-led Social Change, Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE), 2017
The proportion of annual grant money for African Americans decreased by 4.3% between 2005-2014, the highest decrease of any POC group
(Latinos, -0.1%; API +0.2%, Indigenous Peoples -1.6% over the same time period).
– Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity, 2017
Average revenue is 24% smaller and unrestricted net assets among Black-led organizations are 76% smaller than White-led organizations.
– Racial Equity and Philanthropy, Bridgespan Group and Echoing Green, 2020

"There is nothing more exhilarating to have the Black Equity Collective to support and bring other Black leaders and Black-led organizations to learn, develop and grow our work in a space that celebrates our greatness."
-Charisse Bremond, President & CEO, Brotherhood Crusade